Reviving Interest: What To Do if Your Home Is Not Generating Any Viewings

Reviving Interest: What To Do if Your Home Is Not Generating Any Viewings

Navigating the housing market can be challenging, particularly when your home isn't attracting buyers' attention. Fear not, this blog will guide you through effective strategies - from price reassessment to improved marketing, to ensure your property doesn't just sit on the market, but actually has a good chance of achieving your desired sale...

Putting your home on the market is an emotionally charged decision. We all dream of having the most stress-free and fast sale but what do you do if your home is not generating interest at all or you only have a trickle of people who seem lukewarm about your home?

When weeks pass without a prospective buyer in sight, it can be particularly disheartening. But don't lose hope. If your home isn't attracting attention, here are some strategies to pique buyers' interest and get your sale back on track.

In this blog, we assume that you have done all the things necessary to prepare your home for sale such as decluttering, any repairs of decorating tasks, improving your kerb appeal and cleaning and tidying.

Revisit Your Pricing Strategy

Pricing is often the most critical factor in selling a home. If your property is overpriced compared to similar homes in the area, it may deter potential buyers. Consult with a local estate agent to assess your home's value and reconsider your asking price based on current market conditions.

Is Your Home on the Right Platforms?

If buyers aren't aware of your property, they can't express interest. Not listing on the right platforms feels like going to buy shoes in a shop that exclusively sells clothes. You won’t receive any interest if no one can find your property.

Ensure that your property is listed online – whether that’s on portals such as Rightmove or Zoopla, the estate agent’s own website, or the various social media sites.

Reassess Your Marketing Strategy

if your property isn’t generating interest then your agent could be marketing it incorrectly. While traditional marketing is great, sometimes you have to look outside the box for some creative ideas for certain properties. 360 degree virtual tours, video walkthroughs, aerial drone footage, great lifestyle orientated property descriptions can all help sell your home to the right people.  

People are often moved to act by what they see. Often you are swayed to go for the better-looking option and this is purely psychological. Imagine walking into a cake shop to buy a specific cake but you had no flavour or taste in mind; the most appealing design is probably what you will be leaving the store with. Your house is the cake and if you are not generating interest, it might be because your photo's aren’t showing your home in the best light. Look at the listing yourself with a critical eye - could professional photography make a difference?

Work Your Property into Search Tags

There are specific tags buyers that use when searching for a property to buy and your marketing will be greatly enhanced if you utilise these tags when marketing your home. Hashtags on social media, specific keywords on property portals, and tags on YouTube videos can all help people find your home online.

Be Flexible With Viewings

Making your home available for viewing at various times can increase its visibility to potential buyers. Be as flexible as possible and ensure the house is tidy and presentable for every viewing.

Your Agent Is Reactive, Not Proactive

Potential buyers will not show interest in your property if your agent isn’t putting the work in. Marketing your home is not just uploading it to a property portal, sitting back and hoping that enquiries come in - it is not enough to just be reactive.

Your agent should be mining their own database of potential buyers, matching them to your property if their requirements align.

Mystery shop the agent yourself - ask a friend to pretend to be an interested buyer so you can properly evaluate how your agent treats practical situations. If you are not satisfied, chances are that many others won’t be either.

If the current housing market isn’t buoyant, you need a proactive agent to make up for it. A top agent can generate interest when there’s not much about, by using the correct marketing tactics and working hard. Ask your agent about the current market and what can be done to get around a slow one.

Get Feedback from Viewers

If people are viewing your property but not making offers, it's worth finding out why. Ask your estate agent to gather feedback from viewers and make sure that it is passed on to you. Agents often don't report negative comments, however, these can provide valuable insight into any potential issues that you weren't aware of.

Take a Marketing Break

If your home has been on the market for a while, it may be beneficial to take it off for a short period. This can prevent your listing from becoming 'stale'. You can use this time to make improvements, then relaunch with new photos and a fresh description.

Remember, selling a home often takes time and patience. By taking a proactive approach, you can increase your home's appeal and attract the right buyer. Keep in mind that every property is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Therefore, it's essential to formulate a strategy that suits your particular situation.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of marketing you home, then please contact our sales team; James, Lucy and Joshua, on 01773 749972

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